How to Start a WordPress Website?

Published Date: 22 Mar, 2020 Updated date: 22 Mar, 2020 By Celebs Podium

As WordPress has evolved as the top CMS, the technological freaks are much more intrigued to start up their websites with the help of the most reliable platform. That’s why WordPress has taken over the significant part of the internet territory.

WordPress makes it easy for the least-skilled users to create an authentic website without learning how to code. Just need to follow some steps and boom! You can create the site as you have planned for.

First things first, to begin with the WordPress Site, it is a necessity to possess two preliminary things:-

  • Domain Name– It is the name of your website (ex:
  • WordPress Hosting– The place where your website files get stored.

Secondly, it is an utmost necessity to plan what kind of website you want so that you can derive the total cost for it. In general, a typical business website can cost as low as $100 per year and can go up to $30,000 per year.

As a startup, it is recommended to start a small website and keep on adding the features as per the future requirements. This method will save you money and also minimize the potential losses.

After coming up with the financial plans, the next step takes the users to the dilemma of choosing the best platform for creating a website. In this case, WordPress is the place where you go as 55% of web-builders trust the platform for website creation.

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After choosing WordPress as the go-through platform for website creation, there are some steps to follow to initiate your first website:-

Step 1: Setup


For the beginners, a self-hosted site is the perfect place for analyzing thousands of designs and add-ons which insist on creating the website of your choice.   

As WordPress is free of cost, it is a platform for everyone who want to build any website without any restrictions. However, it is free because the user should arrange their domain name and hosting, which costs some money.

However, Bluehost, being one of the largest hosting companies in the world, has agreed to offer the users a free domain name and over 60% discount on web hosting.

So why sit and wait? Go to Bluehost website and chose a pricing plan for your site along with a free domain name. For that, it is required to fill up your personal information.

Step 2: Install WordPress


After completing the first step, the users will receive an email with the details on how to login to the web hosting control panel (cPanel).

Once you are there, click on the Install WordPress icon and you will be directed to the Bluehost Marketplace Quick Install screen for WordPress.

After pressing Next, it is asked to select the domain name where you want to install WordPress.

Following that, you will have to enter your website name, admin username, and a password.

After that, click on the Install tab. Meanwhile, the users will be feasted with some of the website templates which could be installed on their site.

When the process completes, the success message appears on the screen. There you go!  You are inching closer to your new website.

Step 3: Select Desired Theme


This part of the step is where you get to manage the appearance of your site. The WordPress themes are professionally designed templates that can be installed on the website.

At the start, your website will sustain a basic theme that will give a reasonable look; however, there is nothing to be worried about as there are plenty of paid and free WordPress themes that you can inflict on your website.

Changing the theme from the WordPress admin dashboard is easy. Just click on Appearance and go to Themes page and click on the Add New button.

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Step 4: Add Contents to Website


By default, WordPress contains two types of contents: posts and pages. Posts are part of the blog while pages are ‘one-off’ type content such as your about page, contact page, etc.

Firstly, you will add a few pages to your WordPress site. Now, from Pages tab, click on Add New page and provide the title for your page.

Following that, you can add content in the text editor area—the contents could be text, links, images, embed videos, audio, etc.

Following that, you need to click on the publish button to make the content live on your website.

For the blog posts, head over Posts and click on Add New. After that, add a post title and content in the visual post editor. There you can see extra options like post formats, categories, and tags.

After choosing the better option, you can store the post as a draft or make it live on the website by clicking on the publish tab.

Step 5: Customizing Your Website


After adding the contents on your site, you can customize and put them in the attractive shape on your site. To do so, you need to go to Settings and click on the Reading page. Under the Front page displays option, click on the static front page and select Pages you created for your home and blog pages.

Besides, from Settings, you can change your site title and tagline.

Another option in the Settings tab is Discussion which helps you to enable comment moderation on your website. To avoid the spammers, click on Comment must be manually approved option.

Apart from that, you can create navigation menus for easy access from the Menus option inside the Appearance tab. Just click on create menu button and select the pages you want to display in your menu and click on add to menu button.

Step 6: Installing Plugins


Another major step to follow is to install the WordPress plugins which allow you to add features to your site.

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The plugins could be features like WPForms Lite, Envira Gallery Lite; they could be website optimization, including Yoast SEO, WP Super Cache, or security like Updraft Plus and Sucuri.

So, if you have followed the steps carefully, you are now the owner of your WordPress website. That wasn’t so hard, was it?   

Category: Lifestyle